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Information on the
trading data of the share

Ticker icon D77
Total number of shares 44.055.100 No-par value shares
Statutory share capital 44.055.100 EUR
Stock exchange listing Börse Düsseldorf
Supporting sponsor futurum Bank AG

Directors Dealings

To the Directors Dealings

Current statutes

Download the current articles of association here


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To the bond page


edic­to GmbH
Axel Mühl­haus / Ralf Droz
Eschers­hei­mer Land­stra­ße 42
60322 Frank­furt am Main
Pho­ne +49 69 905 505-52
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Annual report 2023
Annual Report 2022
Securities prospectus 01/09/2023
Annual report 2021
Annual report 2020