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All references on this website to ‘DN Deutsche Nachhaltigkeit’ or ‘Deutsche Nachhaltigkeit’ or ‘DN’ refer to the current Neon Equity AG, in future trading as ‘DN Deutsche Nachhaltigkeit AG’.


Neon Equity AG
Mörfelder Landstrasse 277
60598 Frankfurt am Main
Telefon: +49 69 408027270



Board of Directors:
Ole Nixdorff (Chairman) 


Supervisory Board:
Jörg Wisotzki (Chairman)
Boris Staab (Deputy Chairman)
Eva Katheder


Company data:
Commercial register number: HRB 128830
Register court: Local court Frankfurt am Main
Tax number: 47/246/55111
Value added tax identification number: DE286930836


Trading data of the share:
ISIN: DE000A3DW408
Ticker symbol: D77.DU
Legal Entity Identifier (LEI):


Responsible for the content according to § 6 MDStV:
Ole Nixdorff (Chairman)



@Ben den Engelsen


Liability notice:
Despite careful control of the content, we assume no liability for the content of external links. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content.