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The Future of Electrified Parking Automation.

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/ Parked.
// Charged.
Drive off.

EcoMotion's groundbreaking patented technology, EcoMotion, offers an innovative automated parking and EV charging solution.

For the first time ever, it addresses the future capacity demands of parking hubs, providing an impressive +70% additional storage capacity compared to traditional parking garages and +30% more capacity compared to the latest competitive automation technologies on the market. Furthermore, EcoMotion ensures that every parked vehicle is charged during its parking duration.

This innovation is made possible by EcoMotion’s pioneering AI-powered shuffle parking technology. By implementing our system, parking facilities can achieve an outstanding 96% space efficiency for parking spots, revolutionizing the landscape of parking efficiency. At the same time, it enhances customer convenience, strengthens security measures, and reduces operational costs, significantly increasing property value.

EcoMotion turns dead space into profitable business.

Minimal Footprint, Maximum Space Efficiency
EcoMotion has been meticulously designed to maximize space efficiency and enhance property value for developers, parking operators, and asset managers. Our patented CUBE facility offers 70% greater space utilization compared to traditional parking garages and outperforms current automated parking systems by an impressive 30%.

But that’s not all: Thanks to the seamless integration of smart charging infrastructure, electric vehicles are automatically charged during their parking duration – paving the way for a future where refueling with gasoline becomes a thing of the past.

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A con­ven­tio­nal par­king lot the size of a tra­di­tio­nal foot­ball pitch holds approximatelly 192 cars.

The same amount of cars can held in a clas­sic 4-sto­ry par­king gara­ge can redu­ce the requi­red space by 73%.

Using EcoMotion’s CUBE in a 6-sto­ry lay­out com­pres­ses the requi­red flo­or space to only 9% of the foot­ball field.

The CUBE is a modu­lar par­king faci­li­ty. Each CUBE is cus­to­mizable to fit spe­ci­fic pro­ject needs, ensu­ring opti­mal cus­to­mer expe­ri­ence and space use. Regard­less of size or capa­ci­ty, the­se stan­dar­di­zed com­pon­ents gua­ran­tee inter­ope­ra­bi­li­ty, easy main­ten­an­ce, and expan­da­bili­ty.


SDG 17 Goals.

EcoMotion actively contributes to achieving Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 17 – Partnerships for the Goals. Our innovative technology for automated parking and charging infrastructure is designed to promote sustainable urban mobility and revolutionize the efficient use of space in cities.

Through strategic partnerships with cities, real estate developers, and mobility providers, EcoMotion supports the transformation of urban spaces and helps reduce emissions. Our CUBE system enhances space efficiency by up to 70% compared to traditional parking solutions and optimizes the integration of renewable energy through automated EV charging processes.

In close collaboration with local and international stakeholders, EcoMotion fosters sustainable infrastructure projects that combine economic progress with environmental responsibility. This sets a clear benchmark for sustainable cities, resource-efficient innovation, and global collaboration in line with SDG 17.

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